The We Care Silent Auction is Live Now!

Parenting Classes in Tucson

Three great ways to stand against child abuse support Parent Aid strengthen families create brighter futures


Stay connected to Parent Aid via email and test messages


Invest in our community with tax-deductible contributions


Advocate for prevention by Liking and Sharing

And even more ways to show your support!

Parent Aid can receive donations through PayPal. Visit our page and remember to select us as your favorite charity!

All donations through the Giving Fund have 0 fees. Check out the FAQ for more information on how it works and designating your favorite charity.

Did you know you can support Parent Aid just by shopping at Fry’s? It’s easy when you enroll in Fry’s Community Rewards!

To get started, sign up with your V.I.P Card here, and select Parent Aid as your preferred charity.

Once you’re enrolled, you’ll earn rewards for us every time you shop and use your V.I.P Card!

Support Parent Aid when you shop or sell on eBay thanks to the eBay for Charity program.

First, personalize your shopping experience to benefit our organization by making us your Favorite charity on eBay. Next, you will automatically see Parent Aid Child Abuse Prevention Center as your preferred charity in eBay checkout. Last but not least, you can easily sell your used items and donate from 10% to 100% of your sales to benefit us.

Not only will we receive 100% of your donation, but eBay will waive your Final Value Fees to the extent you donate…AND you get the tax credit.

Visit our charity page today and be part of a growing eBay community that has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to thousands of charities.


A wonderful holiday program where families in need are adopted by local organizations and individuals alike. Each Parent Aid family can only be adopted once in order to spread the holiday spirit throughout the community. Our family support specialists work with adopters to gain a sense of connection and understanding of a family’s particular needs.


Adopting groups provide food, clothes, toys, gift certificates and other items that might benefit our families. Parent Aid board members and staff will then deliver these gifts to the families on your behalf. This is a great and heart-warming opportunity to help families enjoy and celebrate the holidays.


If you or your organization is interested in the Adopt a Family program, please contact Parent Aid to learn how you can help bring happiness and relief to families who would otherwise have a difficult holiday season.

Parenting Class in Tucson

Formulario de referencia para proveedores

SafeCare es un programa de visitas domiciliarias para familias con al menos un niño entre 18 meses y 5 años

Parent Aid tiene muchos otros programas de crianza para familias con niños de todas las edades y etapas.

Parenting Class in Tucson

Formulario de referido para padres

SafeCare es un programa de visitas domiciliarias para familias con al menos un niño entre 18 meses y 5 años

Parent Aid tiene muchos otros programas de crianza para familias con niños de todas las edades y etapas.

Parenting Class in Tucson

Referral Form for Providers

SafeCare is a home-visitation program for families with at least one child between 18 months and 5 years old

Parent Aid has many other parenting programs for families with children of all ages and stages

Parenting Class in Tucson

Parent Referral Form

SafeCare is a home-visitation program for families with at least one child between 18 months and 5 years old

Parent Aid has many other parenting programs for families with children of all ages and stages