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We build confident, connected families through parent education and a nurturing community.

Parenting Class in Tucson


Our goal is for all children to be raised in homes, knowing they are loved, cherished and cared for, by parents and caregivers who can rely on and contribute to a community that appreciates and supports them. To that end, we will continue to grow and adapt our menu of programs to meet the needs of children and families in our community.


Parent Aid builds confident, connected families through parent education and a nurturing community. Serving all Southern Arizona families, we encourage familial connection over parental perfection. We provide accessible workshops and family support programs that build positive parenting skills and new perspectives on family relationships.

Founded in 1990, our highly trained staff have helped families understand and overcome the ever-evolving challenges parents face today. Our nonprofit annually partners with over 1,000 families, benefiting more than 2,300 children. Parent Aid’s educational and community programs build the foundation for positive parenting and aid in the prevention of generational child abuse and neglect. Learn more at

Parenting Class in Tucson


Positive impacts for parents and caregivers that engage with us include:

  • Improved parenting skills by gaining knowledge on multiple parental strategies
  • Increase their understanding of child development and how that affects their parenting
  • Gain grace with themselves, their children, and their family of origin
  • Enhance family communication
  • Learn to solve problems
  • Develop a sense of self-sufficiency
  • Are better at dealing with and reducing stress
  • Develop support systems
  • Build confidence as a parent
  • Gain pride in being a healthy family unit
  • And much more!!!!

Positive impacts on children whose parents have engaged with us include:

  • Being surrounded with caring and confident adults who will help build their self-worth as growing humans.
  • Understanding that no matter how hard life gets, they have people in their lives that love and support them in all things.
  • Knowing mistakes will happen along the way, but the safety net of their caregivers allows them to develop their resilience and self-identity of being inherently good.
  • Reducing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
  • Confident parents raise confident children – confidence builds confidence.
  • Freedom of expression and opinion
  • Experience more nurturing environments, do better in school, have less health issues, grow into caring and capable adults, and so much more.



  • Parent Aid believes that everyone deserves to be treated with fairness and dignity, regardless of sex, gender, orientation, parenting status, religion, age, color, race, or national origin.



  • Parent Aid believes in following through on our commitments and doing what is best for our community, even when it is difficult, unpopular or requires sacrifice.


Strength-Based Approaches

  • Parent Aid recognizes that all individuals have unique strengths that can be utilized and built upon.



  • Parent Aid recognizes that every person experiences obstacles in their life, and holds the belief that with the right support, all families can succeed.



  • Parent Aid believes that every family deserves the opportunity and support to become capable, knowledgeable, and confident.



  • Parent Aid believes that everyone has something to learn, and everyone has something to contribute.


Family-Centered Practices

  • Parent Aid believes that all practices and decisions should reflect that family is a priority for all of us.



  • Parent Aid believes the key to a healthy relationship is through fun.



  • Parent Aid recognizes that the only way to build empathy and compassion is through strong physical and emotional connections.



  • Parent Aid believes that with the strength, guidance, and support of our community, we can all do more together than we can apart.
Parenting Class in Tucson
Parenting Class in Tucson


In the late 1980’s a group of passionate community leaders were tired of seeing stories about broken families and children being abused and neglected.  Rather than turning a blind eye and remaining apathetic, this group decided to do something about it.  They created the foundation for Parent Aid.  Our founders were made up of the six Exchange Clubs of Tucson who dared to take on their national project to prevent child abuse.  Our local Exchange Clubs worked hard to raise all the funds necessary and dedicated long hours to launching our program in 1990.  Initially, we were set up as a program under a larger organization, but quickly were able to find our footing and become an autonomous 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening families and preventing child abuse.  While the number of local Exchange Clubs has changed from 6 to 1, their dedication to this cause is symbolized by their continual support and efforts to enable Parent Aid to reach more families and positively impact the lives of more children in our community.

Initially, our program consisted of volunteer “parent aides,” but as family dynamics became more complex our program evolved to utilize paraprofessional Family Support Specialists to work with families.  Our staff are highly trained in helping families understand and overcome the challenges they face.  In fact, since 1990, we have partnered with over 1500 families and over 4500 children in Pima County.  We’ve expanded our programs to include our Parent Partners™ Program, Parenting Classes, and Family Enrichment Workshops.


As a mission-driven organization, our board of directors and staff are passionate about making a difference.  We are constantly evaluating and innovating our programs to make the biggest impact in the community

Parent Aid is a proud member of or accredited by:

Parenting Class in Tucson

Formulario de referencia para proveedores

SafeCare es un programa de visitas domiciliarias para familias con al menos un niño entre 18 meses y 5 años

Parent Aid tiene muchos otros programas de crianza para familias con niños de todas las edades y etapas.

Parenting Class in Tucson

Formulario de referido para padres

SafeCare es un programa de visitas domiciliarias para familias con al menos un niño entre 18 meses y 5 años

Parent Aid tiene muchos otros programas de crianza para familias con niños de todas las edades y etapas.

Parenting Class in Tucson

Referral Form for Providers

SafeCare is a home-visitation program for families with at least one child between 18 months and 5 years old

Parent Aid has many other parenting programs for families with children of all ages and stages

Parenting Class in Tucson

Parent Referral Form

SafeCare is a home-visitation program for families with at least one child between 18 months and 5 years old

Parent Aid has many other parenting programs for families with children of all ages and stages