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Parenting Class in Tucson

Do You Even Self-Care Bro?

A Love Like a Dad blog post about all things dad

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As both Dad and Parent, we must consider how we model behavior for our children.  How do you show your kids what a healthy lifestyle is..?

As both Dad and Parent, we must consider how we model behavior for our children.  How do you show your kids what a healthy lifestyle is..?  What is your diet like..?  What are you doing for physical exercise..?  When was the last time you had a complete physical check-up ?  As we know, our habits become the behavior our children will emulate as they grow into young adults, so its imperative that our children see us taking care of ourselves to learn the importance of Self-Care.

Let’s consider our own longevity and how this may impact our children’s lives.  Men are often raised to ignore their physical pain or symptoms to their own detriment, sometimes finding out about a diagnosis after it is too late to be treated with success.   The research is clear.  We can certainly prevent an untimely departure from our child’s lives by taking care of ourselves, while we show our kids the habits of healthy living.

How about our Mental Health…?  How is our ability to adjust to and meet the demands of everyday life?  What are our coping mechanisms to manage stress and anger that is invariably part of our modern lives?  Men often “bottle up” their emotions until they reach a point of pressure that they might be expressed in an inappropriate place or time.  Have we ever considered talk therapy or men’s groups to process grief, loss, and the inevitable relationship challenges?  Part of taking care of ourselves is understanding the Mind/Body connection. 

There is no shame in Self-Care.  As Dad’s, we must truly reflect on how we approach our care of the Self, so that we can be around for the milestones in our child’s lives and set them up for success in their own.   At Parent Aid, we help Dad’s take a good look at their habits and behaviors as they relate to personal health and how it relates to our children.  We have a weekly Dad’s Group that we invite Father’s to share their strength, hope, and experience, to inspire other Dad’s to be the best possible versions of themselves.  We also have courses throughout the year to educate, support and encourage Dad’s to take a deeper dive in their Parenting skills.  Our 24/7 Dad PM parenting series starts August 17th and will be held at the Parent Aid office at 5:30.

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Parenting Class in Tucson

Formulario de referencia para proveedores

SafeCare es un programa de visitas domiciliarias para familias con al menos un niño entre 18 meses y 5 años

Parent Aid tiene muchos otros programas de crianza para familias con niños de todas las edades y etapas.

Parenting Class in Tucson

Formulario de referido para padres

SafeCare es un programa de visitas domiciliarias para familias con al menos un niño entre 18 meses y 5 años

Parent Aid tiene muchos otros programas de crianza para familias con niños de todas las edades y etapas.

Parenting Class in Tucson

Referral Form for Providers

SafeCare is a home-visitation program for families with at least one child between 18 months and 5 years old

Parent Aid has many other parenting programs for families with children of all ages and stages

Parenting Class in Tucson

Parent Referral Form

SafeCare is a home-visitation program for families with at least one child between 18 months and 5 years old

Parent Aid has many other parenting programs for families with children of all ages and stages